Can Colleges Fix Our Politics? - Frank Bruni

Date: October 9, 2018, 7:30pm
Location: The Englert Theatre
Frank Bruni has been an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times since June 2011. In his columns, which appear every Sunday and Wednesday, he reflects on diverse topics including American politics, higher education, and gay rights. He joined the newspaper in 1995 and has been a White House correspondent, the chief restaurant critic, a staff writer for The Times Magazine, and the Rome bureau chief. He is the author of three New York Times best-sellers, the most recent of which, Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania, was published in March 2015 to widespread acclaim. His previous best-sellers were the 2009 memoir Born Round, about the joys and torments of his eating life, and a 2002 chronicle of George W. Bush’s initial presidential campaign, Ambling into History.
The Times’s first openly gay op-ed columnist, he was named GLAAD’s newspaper columnist of the year several times and, in the fall of 2016, was given the Randy Shilts Award for his lifetime contributions to L.G.B.T. Americans by the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. He frequently appears as a political commentator on CNN, MSNBC, and Charlie Rose.