Film Screening - Dirty Business: "Clean Coal" and the Battle for Our Energy Future

Date: October 8, 2014, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: Shambaugh Auditorium, UI Main Library
On October 8, a screening of the documentary, Dirty Business: "Clean Coal" and the Battle for Our Energy Future will be held at Shambaugh Auditorium of the UI Main Library as a kickoff to the following week's activities.
The symposium on October 15th and 16th in the IMU Main Lounge takes a broad look at the scientific challenges and policy issues surrounding renewable energy, with special reference to Iowa and the Midwest. Should the government support a shift from nonrenewable to renewable sources of energy? Will shifting toward renewables decrease the pace of climate change or make us more energy secure? What are the technical barriers to rapidly increasing our reliance on renewable energy? What policy changes are necessary or desirable in order to promote renewable energy growth? Topics covered will include infrastructure development (e.g. wind farms; transmission lines), biofuels, emerging environmental problems, and distributed energy policy.
The main event will kick off with a Student Energy Expo (October 15), with opportunities for students to learn and share information about their own research related to renewable energy and related topics, followed by a renewable energy debate (October 15).
October 15, 2:00 - 5:00 pm, and 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Main Lounge, Iowa Memorial Union
Student Energy Expo and Free Public Debate
A Student Energy Expo (October 15), will offer opportunities for students to learn and share information about their own research related to renewable energy and related topics. That evening, Mark Jacobson, Robert Bryce, and members of the UI Student Debate Team will debate the possibility of 100% renewable energy by 2030.
October 16, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, and 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Main Lounge, Iowa Memorial Union
Meeting the Renewable Energy Challenge Symposium and Free Public Lecture
This symposium takes a broad look at the scientific challenges and policy issues surrounding renewable energy, with special reference to Iowa and the Midwest. That evening, James Hansen will present a public lecture on global climate policies.
For more information and a full list of events please visit The University of Iowa Public Policy Website.