Alex Sheen - Because I said I would

Date: October 29, 2014, 7:30pm
Location: Dean Ballroom in the Sheraton Hotel
Alex Sheen is the creator and founder of the because I said I would movement. He began the organization after his father passed, as a way to remember his dad's legacy of always keeping his word. Through promise cards and philanthropic acts, Sheen is working to better humanity through the importance of keeping a promise. Sheen is a nationally known philanthropist who has given TedTalks and speaks motivationally across the country, as well as working towards giving back to as many communities and individuals as he can. He sends promise cards all over the world, encouraging people to change their lives and keep their promises.
Doors open to public at 7:15pm, with the lecture beginning at 7:30pm. A cookie reception will follow his talk.
This event co-sponsored by Dance Marathon and University Lecture Committee.
This is an FSL approved event.